Software complex NetChrom

Program «NetChrom V 2.1» Program allows to carry out simultaneous processing of signals and control of one or several (up to eight) chromatographs on single IBM PC. Chromatographs are connected to serial interface RS-232C or to USB interface.

Program provides control and processing of chromatographic signal of the following models of chromatographs:

  • «Crystallux-4000M»
  • «Crystallux-4000» (after replacing of master controller of chromatograph)
  • «Crystall-2000» (connected to PC with the help of standard pairing device)
  • «Petrochrom-4000»
  • «LGH-3000»
  • «Kupol-55».

Program also provides processing of chromatographic signal of non-automated chromatographs like LHM-80, model 3700, Tsvet series and others, including foreign. Chromatographs are connected to PC through the unit of analog-to-digital conversion (ADC).

Program works with following types of ADSs:

  • 24-discharge ADC unit designed by “Meta-chrom” (from 1 to 8 inlets)
  • 24-discharge device DLCM designed by “Meta-chrom” (1 inlet)
  • 24-discharge ADC designed by “MultiChrom” (from 1 to 8 inlets)
  • 24-discharge ADC «E-24 L» designed by «L-Card» (from 1 to 4 inlets).

Programs provides control and processing of chromatographic signals of the combined complex that consists of the set of named above chromatographs and ADCs in different combinations.

Program works on IBM PC with the following configuration:

  • Processor with clock rate not less than 2 GHz (processors of Intel production and AMD or other compatible processors)
  • RAM at least 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit systems or 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit systems
  • Hard drive HDD with volume no less than 200 Gb
  • Videocard supporting DirectX 9.0 or better. With WDDM 1.0 driver or higher
  • Monitor Super VGA, with resolution no less than 1028x768 points, it is better to use monitors with better resolution for more comfortable work
  • Disk drive for CD or DVD (optional, when supplied on CD-ROM)
  • Keyboard and mouse Microsoft Mouse or compatible input device
  • LPT or USB port for printer connection
  • Port for connection of chromatograph Serial (COM) or USB (through adapter USB-˃COM). One chromatograph can be connected to one Serial port
  • LAN port if the chromatograph is equipped with an autosampler and / or when the chromatograph is connected via Ethernet
  • Licensed version of Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP2)/2000 (PS4)/Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Ubuntu Linux, Astra Linux release "Smolensk".

Program provides whole basic set of operations for automation of chromatograph to the user. Some of them are implemented better than in other similar systems.

Main advantages of the program:

  • Automatic detection of up to 2000 chromatographic peaks with the possibility of manual setting of algorithm of peak detection, possibility of peak detection on chromatogram with the help of procedure “integration events”
  • Identification of up to 1000 analyzed compounds (components) and up to 600 groups of compounds by pre-created models made during process of calibration by the user, with the usage of absolute and relative retention time, correlation of signals of simultaneously working detectors, retention indexes (Kovac), boiling temperature of components
  • Calculation of concentration and quantity of the substance by different methods directly in the program, including calculation of calorific value of natural gas, liquefied gas density, different characteristics of hydrocarbon fuels, admixtures in alcoholic drinks, etc
  • Multipoint calibration (up to 100 points), formation of calibration characteristics of components with the help of linear and nonlinear (till cubic curve) characteristics, calculation of point deviation from formed characteristics, formation of calibration characteristics with the help of special mathematical formula
  • Printing of chromatogram, method, analysis results with possibility of detailed setting of the structure of print form
  • Easy procedure of manual editing of characteristic points of peaks on chromatogram
  • Recording of chromatograms of almost unlimited duration to the hard drive of the PC, recording of results of calculation and analysis conditions in one file
  • Possibility of visual comparison of several chromatograms on one graph
  • Recording and graphical representation of main parameters of diagnostic information also during the process of analysis
  • Display of information about the results of different stages of detector output signals processing on the computer screen, and also parameters of created methods and components, parameters of diagnostic control, results of statistical processing, etc
  • Calculation of different physical characteristics of analyzed compounds
  • Realization of RTL technology (retention time lock) that allows to transfer methods with identification of components from one chromatographic column to another without correction
  • Registration of changes made by the user during work with chromatograph
  • Recording of malfunctions that occurred during performing of analysis and of all events to theelectronic journal, automatic alarm about the need for routine maintenance
  • Conduction of operations with chromatograms (addition, subtraction, comparison, filtration), area calculation of exceeding peaks, fluctuational noises and drift of zero signal, detection limit, average quadratic deviation, parameters of flow rate through capillary columns
  • Diagnostics of chromatograph malfunctions not only by parameter values of the mode but also by the form of chromatographic signal
  • Intuitively understandable user interface and availability of context-sensitive help system
  • Data export to different formats: Word, Excel, XML, netCDF, etc
  • Data import from NetChrom DOS, Multichrom and others, that support the standard netCDF
  • Possibility to increase productivity of chromatograph by means of independent processing of signals from each of two channels of separation with identical temperature parameters of separation («Two chromatographs in one»)
  • Possibility of signal processing of non-automated chromatograph with the help of unused channel of processing (amplifier and ADC) of chromatograph
  • Limitation of access to the program of unauthorized persons and control of access to the program by operating personell
  • Possibility of automatic upgrading of the software via Internet from our company’s website
  • Possibility to choose and switch working languages of the program.

Additionally Developed programs:

  • Program for diagnostics of developing defects in transformer equipment, developed according to requirements RD 153—34.0—46.302—00
  • Calculation program of Shewhart control cards by GOST Р 50779.42—99 (ISO 8258—91). Program allows to input data from chromatograms, obtained on the chromatograph with the help of “Netchrom V2.1” program or manually. Program allows to create average range graphs of selective standard deviations, display graphic cards on the monitor and print them. Separate calculation of limits graphs by GOST P 51698—2000 «Vodka and ethyl alcohol. Change № 1»
  • Identification program of multicomponent mixtures, for example, vegetable and animal oils (component base GOST 30623—98), cognacs and other samples
  • Monitoring program of analysis results from unlimited number of chromatographs
  • Program for calculation of natural gas properties by GOST 31369—2008 and determination of natural gas composition with uncertainty assessment by GOST 31371.7—2008.

Delivery set of the program includes:

  • CD-disk with program «NetChrom V2.1» and description of the program
  • Electronic key that ensures possibility of using the program on one computer.
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