Research and Production Company «Meta-chrom» is producing a wide range of chromatographic equipment: gas chromatographs and its accessories. Among the equipment, designed and manufactured by the company, chromatograph Crystallux-4000M is especially popular due to its superiority in many aspects to that of its domestic and foreign counterparts.
Chromatographic system has got the "Seal of Excellence" according to the results of evaluation made by experts of «ROSTEST Moscow».

Top quality.
New technology.

Intensification of oil refining processes is a promising task of modern production. From an economic point of view, it is also important to reduce waste and maximize the use of natural resources. These issues can be successfully addressed using catalysis.
Catalysis is a process of selective acceleration of the flow of chemical factors under catalysts - substances that repeatedly participate in chemical transformation, but are practically not consumed. Catalytic processes are widely used in oil refining and petrochemistry, for example, catalytic cracking, benzene alkylation with ethylene, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, catalytic reforming, etc.