Wide variety of characteristics, user-friendly software interface and relatively low price are distinctive features of the equipment we produce. Besides this, since 2013 both of our developed devices are regularly certified on “Quality mark” according to the results of expert evaluation during annual exhibition “A-TESTex”.
Automated gas chromatograph “Crystallux-4000M”. It has become an optimized version of such models of chromatographs as “Crystall-2000”, “Crystall-3000” and “Crystallux-4000”.
Nowadays chromatographs of “Crystall”, “Tsvet” and other series are widely used by many laboratories, most of these chromatographs (especially of early release years) do not meet the requirements of modern analytical devices. Thus in “Crystall” series of chromatographs in different years there was production of “Crystall-1”, “Crystall-2000”, “Crystall-3000”, “Crystall-4000”, “Biomed-4000”, in “Tsvet” series first of all “Tsvet-500” was produced. Desire to save money when you buy new chromatographic equipment is absolutely understandable, because purchase of modern chromatograph like, for example, “Crystallux-4000M” is a serious investment.
That is why “Meta-chrom” upgrades old chromatographic equipment to meet the needs of purchasers. Chromatographs “Crystall-2000” from “Crystall” series, that were produced in great numbers in the past, are mainly upgraded nowadays, because they have great modernization resource that allows to use them after upgrading for solving various actual tasks.